Friday, July 26, 2013

Last week of training!


AMR in 8 minutes:
40 ft Hanstalk walk
Strict C2B Pull-ups x 10 reps

-3 rounds + 25 ft

-Kept a consistent pace. No more than 2 sets each HS walk attempt. 

3 sets of:
365 Deadlift x 10 reps
Mini Band Walks x 50 ft
2nd set
Some creative loading of the bar I must say.

5 days rest before this. About 20 minutes of soft tissue work then 3 hours of coaching afterwards.


Team training with Anji for the 2013 Adventure WOD: Lake Tahoe!

16-16-12-12-8-8 reps for time of:
Overhead Squat (135/65) - using same barbell.
Burpees over the barbell


Quick rest,

Partner AD
:30/:30 x 10 (5 minutes)
[1.30 mi]


AMR in 6 minutes:
Max reps Atlas Stone to Shoulder (150/75) while partner holds freestanding handstand.

-21 reps

Quick rest,

 Partner AD
:30/:30 x 10
[1.39 mi]


For max reps, only one person working at a time:
2 minutes max Sandbag Cleans (70/40)
Rest 1 minute
2 minutes max Ring Dips
Rest 1 minute
2 minutes max Toes-to-Bar

-160 total reps (31/84/45).
Aggravated my shoulder a bit during T2B, so didn't push this as hard.

Quick rest,

Partner AD
:30/:30 x 10

[1.40 mi]




2 sets of:
Row 2000 meters
Run 1 mile
Rest 8 minutes.
-Keep at 60-70%. Easy, restorative pace to focus on stroke & running economy.

-16:58 (8:16 row, 8:28 run)

-19:38 (8:10 row, 11:08 run - fuck.)  Right calf cramped 4 minutes into the 2nd mile. Had to walk 3 times on the return trip, and could only manage a slow shuffle-run. ALWAYS FEELS LIKE 2 STEPS BACK.


Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 sets):
3 Clean & Jerks (225)
3 Bar Muscle-ups

-Complete (each round b/t 40-45 sec)

No rest, immediately into
AMR in 5 minutes of:
60 Squats
30 Pull-ups
10 Handstand Push-ups

-1 rounds + 81 reps




2 sets of:
200 meter sled drag (100 + sled wt)
100# Sandbag load to platform (45 in)
10 ft Rope Climbs (start seated) x 2 reps

-5:33, 4:31

First round footage.


Brian, Kevin & I hit up the Lombardi pool for a 3-man brick workout.

Max distance in 20 minutes of:
Underwater Brick Carry
-One partner carries the brick as far as possible, then the next, & the next, conga-style.

-410 yds

Swim 500 yds (with fins)


then, into the gym for some Rack Jerks. Was feeling surprisingly good...

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