Saturday, March 9, 2013

13.1 (x2)

Game face was on. Preparations beforehand went well--solid day of rest, body maintenance, good food, quality night of sleep. I felt ready, relaxed, and confident. 

13.1 - 1st attempt (158)

Proud of my effort, NOT pleased with the result. Way too ambitious with my burpee pace at the outset. Didn't even really feel fatigued until I moved back to the round of 30 burpees, then I hit a wall. Ordinarily I'd ajust my approach to partitioning the 30 snatches @ 135, but had initially planned on triples, and was too stubborn to switch to quick 2s and 1s earlier. Everything else thereafter was a slog.

Came home, crawled into bed and had myself a brief pity party. Got up 10 mins later, reviewed the above footage, and found that I could do markedly better if I (1) paced my burpees a little slower, and (2) stuck to quick singles @ 135. Ingested some whey, then Brian, Charlie and I headed down to UNR for Friday Night Lights.

13.1 - 2nd attempt (166)

8 reps better. Legs were fatigued, low back was lit up. Burpees felt more labored, and snatches didn't feel as smooth, but I stuck to my pace. Relieved, and immensely satisfied.

2 attempts at 13.1 within 4 hours...not what I had planned, but what was necessary. Don't need this to become a habit, which means I need to equip myself with a better gameplan going into each workout, and be mentally agile enough to make adjustments on the fly. But the fact that I can mentally rebound to repeat a workout and hit the number I needed to hit (even if its still not entirely reflective of my capacity) is a huge moral victory, and something I don't think I would have been capable of a year ago. These are the kinds of intangibles that aren't necessarily reflected in a raw Open score, but definitely matter over the course of a 3-day competition. 

Or, I should do all of the remaining Open workout at sea level and feel like an aerobic beast...

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